Lucky to be a Finn!

Is the Finnish school system seriously as good as people say? Students don’t obey or don’t listen at the lessons. Nobody cares about school or homework. Students have lots of other hobbies so where do they get the time for school? It seems that students have everything else on their mind than school.

Finnish kids don’t appreciate good education or we don’t even realize how good we seriously are. Especially teen boys think that it is cool to be bad at school, and they really try to be bad. One article said that only Estonian and Croatian kids like school less than Finnish kids. When boys grow up they realize that if they want to manage in their lives they have to study. I think even if boys pretend that school doesn’t interest them they still want to compete. Maybe they don’t understand it themselves but they always want to be better than everybody else.

In my opinion the biggest reason why we are good is that for us school is fun. We don’t understand it maybe now, but I have read some articles of other countries’ school system and I was in Thailand in the winter, and now I am really happy for living in Finland. We don’t have corporal punishment or we don’t have to study all day. In Thailand students had to go straight to work after school. They sat on the floor and tried to do their homework. At the same time they have to help mom with housework and babysit their little siblings. In Finland everybody has the opportunity to go to school, no matter how much money they have. And it’s fun because when you are older you can choose what you want to study or if you want to study at all.

We have other life than school, for example sports, reading or playing some instrument. We have time for friends and other free time so our brains have more time to handle things that we have learned at school. Of course too much is too much, so if we have a lot of free time and we don’t do anything for school at home, it is not a good thing. Repetition is good for learning but also rest!

One thought on “Lucky to be a Finn!

  1. Late says:

    You’ve got good points there but not all kids hate school. I agree with you in the importance of rest. I bet that the education minisetery has realized that too and we spend time in school less than most in other countries!

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